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Join us as we embark on this exciting new adventure!


After much discernment and prayer, with the help of our spiritual directors and with the support of the Dominican Sisters of St Joseph, we have discerned that the Lord is calling us to continue our teaching through a new apostolate focused on bringing truth and clarity to all those who thirst for greater truth, clarity, and intimacy with Christ.


After being called to study at the Pontifical University of St Thomas Aquinas in Rome, eventually receiving our doctorates, then teaching for many years, we believe the Lord is calling us to step out in faith (to take a big leap of faith) into a mission for which He has been preparing us for many years – reaching as many people as we can so that they can live a life in truth!


TRUTH MATTERS! What we believe shapes our lives! Even if we have been Catholic for many years, we may not have grasped the deep realities of our faith or know how we can grow in intimacy with the Lord!

We hear lies all around us, every day! What should we believe? How can we discern or how can we explain the truths of the faith to others?


Introducing LIFE IN TRUTH - a joint venture of Lux in Tenebris – Light in Darkness  & Claritas Spiritual Theology.


Combined, these two missions form one apostolate which seeks to bring greater light, truth, and clarity in charity to as many people as possible, so that captives can be set free, souls can be saved, people can have greater peace – in short, so that people can live a life in truth!


Be transformed by the renewal of your mind! The truth really does set us free! It sets us free to live our life in truth – not lies, lies which can hold even good Catholics bound for many years.


Join us on an adventure and plunge into the deep truths of the faith! Renew your relationship with the Lord, learn about all the beautiful treasures of the faith, delve deeper into your relationship with the Lord, so that you can also bring light and clarity into a world that needs more than ever to know THE TRUTH, to walk in the truth, to teach the truth, to proclaim the truth, and to forever and always live a LIFE IN TRUTH!


Join Dr Denise Clare Oliver and Dr Christina Pal as they embark on this new adventure in God!

About Us

Dr Denise Clare Oliver – Founding Director of Claritas, Director of Spiritual Theology & Senior Lecturer 


Prior to founding Claritas Spiritual Theology, Dr Denise Clare Oliver was Professor of Spiritual Theology at the Pontifical University of St Thomas Aquinas (Angelicum) in Rome, invited lecturer for the Pontifical Council for the New Evangelization, Adjunct Professor of Theology for the Institute for Continuing Theological Education and Priestly Formation at the Pontifical North American College, Rome, Director of Theology at the School of the Annunciation, and Senior Lecturer for the Academy of the Annunciation. Dr Oliver  is Founding Director of  Claritas Spiritual Theology,  Director of Spiritual Theology & Senior Lecturer for Lux in Tenebris, and an adjunct lecturer for Oscott College (Seminary).  She also offers ongoing clergy formation and retreats.



  • Doctorate in Sacred Theology, Pontifical University of St Thomas Aquinas, (Angelicum) Rome.

  • Licentiate in Sacred Theology (Specialisation: Spiritual Theology), Pontifical University of St Thomas Aquinas, (Angelicum) Rome.

  • Master of Arts in Sacred Theology (Specialisation: Thomistic Studies) Pontifical University of St Thomas Aquinas, (Angelicum) Rome.

  • Sacred Theology Baccalaureate, Pontifical University of St Thomas Aquinas, (Angelicum) Rome.

  • Philosophy,  Pontifical University of St Thomas Aquinas, (Angelicum) Rome.

Dr  Christina Pal- Founding Director of  Lux in Tenebris and Senior Lecturer 


Dr Christina Pal is a senior lecturer for Lux in Tenebris and Claritas Spiritual Theology, and she is an adjunct lecturer for Oscott College (Seminary).  Prior to founding Lux in Tenibris, Dr Pal was an adjunct professor for the Augustine Institute and for Christendom College’s Rome programme, as well as Adjunct Professor of Theology for the Institute for Continuing Theological Education and Priestly Formation at the Pontifical North American College in Rome. She was also Senior Academic Tutor for the School of the Annunciation at Buckfast Abbey and the Academy of the Annunciation in Bournemouth.

Dr Pal is a convert to the Catholic faith.  She specialises in Systematic Theology & Biblical Theology – keeping Scripture & Dogma together. She encourages a Canonical approach to the reading of Sacred Scripture, and a Catholic understanding of Divine revelation and the organic development of dogma.



  • Doctorate in Sacred Theology, Pontifical University of St Thomas Aquinas, (Angelicum) Rome.

  • Licentiate in Sacred Theology (Specialisation: Dogmatic Theology), Pontifical University of St Thomas Aquinas, (Angelicum) Rome.

  • Master of Arts in Sacred Theology (Specialisation: Thomistic Studies) Pontifical University of St Thomas Aquinas, (Angelicum) Rome.

  • Sacred Theology Baccalaureate, Pontifical University of St Thomas Aquinas, (Angelicum) Rome.

  • Philosophy,  Pontifical University of St Thomas Aquinas, (Angelicum) Rome.

  • Bachelor of Science in Exercise Physiology and Kinesiology, University of Southern California.

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